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Cthulhu 500 (2004) Board Game

Cthulhu 500 is a card game released in 2004, designed by J. Scott Reeves and published by Atlas Games. It combines elements of horror, racing, and the Cthulhu Mythos theme, creating a unique and exciting gameplay experience for players aged 13 and up.

Game Components of Cthulhu 500

  • Rulebook
  • 100 Race Cards
  • 50 Drive Cards
  • 32 Player Cards
  • 8 Pawns
  • 1 Game Board
  • How To Setup Cthulhu 500

  • Shuffle the Race Cards and place them face down in a deck.
  • Each player selects a pawn and a Player Card, placing the pawn on the starting space of the game board.
  • Deal each player 5 Drive Cards.
  • Determine the starting player and begin the game.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Cthulhu 500, players race against each other using Drive Cards to move their pawns along the game board. The objective is to be the first player to cross the finish line and win the race. Players can use various cards to hinder their opponents’ progress or boost their own.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging gameplay with a unique theme
  • Easy to learn for new players
  • Strategic decision-making and card management
  • Competitive and fun for groups of players
  • Cons

  • Limited replay value once familiar with the game
  • Luck-based elements may affect gameplay outcomes
  • Requires multiple players for optimal experience
  • Personal Thoughts on Cthulhu 500

    Cthulhu 500 is a fun and quirky card game that offers a different gaming experience with its horror and racing themes. The game components are well-designed, and the artwork adds to the overall immersive experience. While the game may not have high replay value for seasoned players, it is worth trying out for those looking for something different in their game night lineup.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Cthulhu 500 can be found online and in some retail stores. It is reasonably priced for the components and gameplay it offers. For fans of horror, racing, and card games, Cthulhu 500 is worth your time. However, those looking for more complex or strategic games may find it lacking. Overall, Cthulhu 500 is a game that caters to a specific audience and provides a fun and entertaining experience for those who enjoy its unique theme and gameplay mechanics.

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