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Cold War: CIA vs KGB (2007) Board Game

Cold War: CIA vs KGB is a two-player card game released in 2007 that simulates the tension and espionage of the Cold War era. Players take on the roles of either the CIA or the KGB, competing to gain influence and control over various regions around the world.

Game Components of Cold War: CIA vs KGB

  • Deck of cards featuring different regions and events
  • Influence tokens for each player
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Cold War: CIA vs KGB

  • Shuffle the deck of cards and deal out a certain number to each player.
  • Place the influence tokens within reach of both players.
  • Follow the instructions in the rulebook for any additional setup.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns playing cards to gain influence in different regions, using bluffing and strategic planning to outsmart their opponent. The objective is to have the most influence in key regions by the end of the game.

    Player Experience


  • Strategic gameplay that requires careful planning and bluffing
  • Quick playtime of 30-60 minutes
  • Theme of Cold War espionage is engaging for history buffs
  • Cons:

  • Limited replayability once players become familiar with the strategies
  • Some luck involved in card draws may frustrate some players
  • Personal Thoughts on Cold War: CIA vs KGB

    Cold War: CIA vs KGB is a solid entry in the bluffing and card game genre, offering an engaging experience for two players. The game’s components are well-made, and the artwork adds to the theme of espionage and political intrigue. However, the game may not appeal to those looking for more complex strategy games, as it leans more towards casual gameplay. Overall, Cold War: CIA vs KGB is worth checking out for fans of the Cold War era and card games, but may not be a must-have for everyone.

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