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Cogs and Commissars (2018) Board Game

Cogs and Commissars is a card game that was released in in 2018. It is designed by Zoran Cardula and published by Atlas Games. The game combines humor and political themes, making it a unique and interesting addition to the card game genre.

Game Components of Cogs and Commissars

  • Game Board
  • Player Mats
  • Faction Cards
  • Action Cards
  • Protest Cards
  • Revolution Cards
  • Rule Cards
  • Influence Tokens
  • How To Setup Cogs and Commissars

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player chooses a faction and takes the corresponding player mat and faction cards.
  • Shuffle the action cards and place them face down on the board.
  • Shuffle the protest cards and place them face down on the board.
  • Deal each player a starting hand of cards.
  • Determine the first player and begin the game.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Cogs and Commissars, players take on the role of rival factions in a Soviet-style dystopia. The objective of the game is to gain influence and control by playing cards strategically and outmaneuvering your opponents. Players will use their faction cards, action cards, and protest cards to achieve their goals and disrupt their opponents’ plans.

    Player Experience


  • Unique combination of humor and political themes
  • Strategic gameplay with variable player powers
  • Quick runtime of 20-40 minutes
  • Easy to learn rules and mechanics
  • Cons

  • Limited player count of 2-6 players
  • Some cards may feel unbalanced
  • Lack of depth in long-term strategy
  • Personal Thoughts on Cogs and Commissars

    Cogs and Commissars is a fun and light-hearted card game that offers a unique blend of humor and political satire. The game is easy to learn and quick to play, making it a great option for game nights with friends. However, the limited player count and lack of depth in long-term strategy may deter some players looking for a more complex experience.

    Overall, Cogs and Commissars is worth a try for those who enjoy card games with a political twist. The build quality of the game is good, and the artwork is engaging. The pricing and availability of the game are reasonable, both for new and used copies. For those who enjoy games like Exploding Kittens or Unstable Unicorns, Cogs and Commissars may be a good addition to their collection. However, players seeking a more serious or strategic experience may want to skip this one.

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