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Cloudspire (2019) Board Game

Cloudspire is a strategic board game released in 2019 by Chip Theory Games. It is designed by Josh J. Carlson, Adam Carlson, and Josh Wielgus, and features stunning artwork by Jared Blando, Melonie Lavely, and Anthony LeTourneau. The game combines elements of exploration, fantasy, fighting, and a video game theme, making it a unique and engaging experience for players.

Game Components of Cloudspire

  • Game board
  • Faction boards
  • Health dials
  • Unit trays
  • Dice
  • Tower defense components
  • Control cards
  • How To Setup Cloudspire

  • Set up the game board according to the instructions.
  • Place faction boards and health dials in their designated areas.
  • Organize unit trays and dice for each player.
  • Shuffle control cards and place them within reach.
  • Start the game with each player selecting a faction and placing their units on the board.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Cloudspire, players take on the roles of different factions vying for control over the floating islands of Ankar. The game utilizes action queues, bias, cooperative gameplay, dice rolling, and events to create a dynamic and strategic experience. The objective is to build and defend your spire while attacking opponents’ spires to secure victory points.

    Player Experience


  • Deep strategic gameplay
  • Unique faction abilities
  • Beautiful artwork and components
  • Engaging player interaction
  • Cons:

  • Steep learning curve
  • Lengthy playtime
  • Limited player count
  • Personal Thoughts on Cloudspire

    Cloudspire is a high-quality board game that offers a rich and immersive experience for players who enjoy strategic gameplay. The build quality of the components is top-notch, and the game’s unique theme sets it apart from other titles in the genre. While the game may not be suitable for casual players due to its complexity and length, it is definitely worth the time and investment for serious board gamers looking for a challenge.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Cloudspire can be on the higher end of the spectrum, but the quality of the components justifies the cost. Both new and used copies of the game can be found online, though availability may vary. For those interested in similar games, titles like Mage Knight and Scythe offer comparable strategic gameplay experiences.

    Overall, Cloudspire is a game that is best suited for experienced gamers who appreciate deep strategic mechanics and engaging player interaction. While it may not be for everyone, those who enjoy complex board games will find it to be a rewarding and immersive experience.

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