Box cover of the "CLOUDSHIPS & GUNBOATS" game, showing illustrated airships and crew in a battle, with text detailing game features such as ship building rules and cardboard miniatures.
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Cloudships & Gunboats (1989)

Cloudships & Gunboats

Cloudships & Gunboats is a board game set in the world of Space: 1889, a science fiction RPG that takes place in an alternate history where space travel is possible in the late 19th century. The game was first published in 1989 by Game Designers’ Workshop (GDW) as a supplement to the Space: 1889 RPG. It was designed by Frank Chadwick, who also created the Space: 1889 RPG. The game features aerial combat between cloudships and gunboats in the skies of Mars, with mini-scale deckplans, cardstock minis, rules, and ship diagrams.

Why is Cloudships & Gunboats Popular?

Cloudships & Gunboats is significant because it is part of the Space: 1889 universe, which has a dedicated fanbase. The game won Origins Awards for Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Boardgame of 1988 and Best Graphic Presentation of a Boardgame of 1988. It is also notable for its unique setting and Gameplay Mechanics of Cloudships & Gunboats.

Game Components of Cloudships & Gunboats

Rule BookIntroduction to Space: 1889 (16pp)Ship Form Book (16pp)2x Reference Folders15 plastic Sky Galleons and Aerial Gunboats4x dice2x 22″x28″ maps

Game Setup of Cloudships & Gunboats

Players choose their ships and place them on the hexagonal mapboard, which represents the skies of Mars. Each hex on the map represents 200 yards, and each turn represents one minute of time. The first player moves all of their ships, then both players attack, taking into account range, weapon type, etc. If damage is taken, it is resolved in the second movement/fire phase when the second player moves all of their ships.

Gameplay Mechanics of Cloudships & Gunboats

Cloudships & Gunboats is a game of aerial combat between cloudships and gunboats. The game is played on a hexagonal mapboard that regulates movement and combat. Each hex on the map represents 200 yards, and each turn represents one minute of time. Players take turns moving their ships and attacking their opponent’s ships. The game features a variety of weapons and ship types, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Damage is resolved using dice rolls and a damage chart.

Game Objective of Cloudships & Gunboats

The objective of the game is to destroy all of your opponent’s ships or to complete a specific mission objective.

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