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Cleopatra’s Caboose (2010) Board Game

Cleopatra’s Caboose is a board game released in 2010 that combines elements of city building, economic strategy, and transportation. Designed by Péter Szábo Gabór and published by Z-Man Games, this game challenges players to compete in building the most prosperous ancient city with a humorous twist involving trains.

Game Components of Cleopatra’s Caboose

  • Game board depicting a city landscape
  • Train tokens
  • Resource cards
  • Player tokens
  • Coin tokens
  • Dice
  • How To Setup Cleopatra’s Caboose

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the resource cards and place them face down.
  • Each player selects a color and takes their player token and train tokens.
  • Distribute starting coins to each player.
  • Determine the starting player and begin the game.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns auctioning off resource cards, building train tracks, and delivering goods to earn coins. The objective is to accumulate the most wealth by strategically investing in resources and building a successful transportation network.

    Player Experience


  • Unique combination of city building and transportation themes
  • Engaging auction and bidding mechanics
  • Variable player powers add replayability
  • Cons

  • Game may be complex for younger players
  • Luck-based elements with dice rolls
  • Personal Thoughts on Cleopatra’s Caboose

    Cleopatra’s Caboose offers a fun and challenging experience for players who enjoy strategic board games with a twist. The game’s components are well-designed, and the thematic elements are integrated smoothly into the gameplay. While the game may not be suitable for younger audiences due to its complexity, it provides a satisfying experience for older players looking for a mix of economic strategy and humor.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Cleopatra’s Caboose can be found both new and used online. The game falls within the mid-range pricing category for board games. For those interested in similar games, alternatives like Ticket to Ride or Power Grid may provide a familiar yet different gaming experience.

    In conclusion, Cleopatra’s Caboose is worth the time investment for players who enjoy thematic board games with a mix of strategy and humor. However, those seeking a more straightforward or luck-based game may want to skip this one. Overall, Cleopatra’s Caboose offers a unique blend of gameplay mechanics and thematic elements that make it a standout choice for fans of city building and transportation games.

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