A vivid and chaotic artwork for a game titled "City of Chaos," featuring expressionistic painting of an open-mouthed face in agony, overlaid with scribbled text and the Monocle Games logo.
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City of Chaos (1996)

City of Chaos

City of Chaos is a board game that was published by Monocle Games in 1996. It was designed by Martyn Oliver and Colin Thornton and combines a board game with elements of fantasy role-playing. The game is set in Byronitar, “City of Chaos”, whose inhabitants are threatened by forces of entropy. The players must save the city from destruction.

Why is City of Chaos Popular?

City of Chaos is a groundbreaking story-driven board game that redefines the genre by infusing a clever set of board game mechanics with the rich characterizations and plot twists of an RPG. It is significant because it was one of the first games to combine board game mechanics with role-playing elements.

Game Components of City of Chaos

– Tiles, which are added to the table one at a time to make up the map of the city
– Skull-head tokens
– Playing cards
– A book titled “Tome of Chaos”
– Pewter miniatures

Game Setup of City of Chaos

Players start with a pewter miniature and a set of cards. The tiles are shuffled and placed face down in a stack. The Tome of Chaos is placed in the center of the table.

Gameplay Mechanics of City of Chaos

When a player approaches the edge of a tile, the player lays a new tile down and draws cards that represent the monsters, treasure, and characters that inhabit that area of the city. The Tome of Chaos then provides a role-playing encounter keyed to that location, and the player must make choices based on the encounter and solve puzzles that provide clues as to how to save the city.

Game Objective of City of Chaos

The objective of the game is to save the city from destruction.

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