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Chinatown (1999) Board Game

Chinatown is a board game released in 1999 by designer Karsten Hartwig and published by alea. It is a city-building and economic game that focuses on negotiation and set collection mechanics. The game is designed for 3-5 players aged 12 and up, with a runtime of around 60 minutes. The game has received critical acclaim for its strategic depth and replayability.

Game Components of Chinatown

  • Game board
  • Money cards
  • Business cards
  • Building tiles
  • Turn order marker
  • Player tokens
  • How To Setup Chinatown

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the money cards and deal each player a starting hand.
  • Shuffle the business cards and place them face down on the board.
  • Place the building tiles in a supply pile.
  • Determine turn order and place the marker accordingly.
  • Each player chooses a color and takes the corresponding tokens.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Chinatown, players take on the role of Chinese immigrants trying to build their business empires in New York’s Chinatown. The objective of the game is to acquire and build businesses in the city to generate income and amass the most wealth by the end of the game.

    Players will negotiate and trade with each other to acquire the businesses they need, strategically placing their building tiles on the board to maximize their profits. Each turn, players will have a set amount of time to negotiate deals and make decisions before the round ends.

    Player Experience


  • Strategic depth and replayability
  • Engaging negotiation mechanics
  • Quick gameplay with a set time limit for each turn
  • Easy to learn and teach to new players
  • Cons

  • Can be heavily reliant on player interaction and negotiation skills
  • Luck of the draw with money and business cards
  • Limited player count of 3-5 players
  • Personal Thoughts on Chinatown

    Chinatown is a well-designed and engaging board game that offers a unique experience with its focus on negotiation and set collection mechanics. The game’s components are of high quality, with vibrant artwork and durable materials. While the game may not be suitable for players who prefer games with less player interaction, it is a great choice for those who enjoy strategic gameplay and challenging negotiations.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Chinatown can be found for reasonable prices online and in specialty board game stores. It is worth the investment for fans of city-building and economic games looking for a game that offers a different and refreshing gameplay experience.

    Overall, Chinatown is a game that is definitely worth your time if you enjoy strategic games with a focus on negotiation and set collection. It is suitable for players aged 12 and up, and while it may not be suitable for everyone, it is a game that is sure to be enjoyed by those who appreciate its unique mechanics and engaging gameplay.

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