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Chariot Lords (1999) Board Game

Chariot Lords is a board game released in 1999 by Clash of Arms Games. Designed by Charles Vasey and featuring artwork by Greg Cervall, the game falls into the categories of Ancient, Territory Building, and Wargame. With a playtime of around 360 minutes, the game is designed for 3-4 players aged 12 and up.

Game Components of Chariot Lords

  • Game board depicting ancient territories
  • Chariot miniatures
  • Dice for rolling
  • Player power cards
  • Various tokens and markers
  • How To Setup Chariot Lords

  • Place the game board in the center of the playing area.
  • Distribute player power cards to each player.
  • Set up the chariot miniatures and tokens according to the rules.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Chariot Lords involves area movement, dice rolling, simulation, and variable player powers. Players must strategically move their chariots across the board, conquering territories and outmaneuvering opponents. The objective is to amass the most territory and resources to become the ultimate Chariot Lord.

    Player Experience


  • Deep strategic gameplay
  • Variable player powers add replay value
  • Historical theme adds immersion
  • Cons:

  • Lengthy playtime may not be suitable for all players
  • Complex rules may be difficult for beginners
  • Personal Thoughts on Chariot Lords

    Chariot Lords offers a deep and immersive gaming experience for those willing to invest the time. The game’s build quality is solid, with detailed miniatures and high-quality components. While the game may not be for everyone due to its complexity and lengthy playtime, fans of strategy games and ancient warfare will find it worth their time.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Chariot Lords can be found both new and used online. Alternatives to Chariot Lords include similar territory-building and wargames like Risk or Axis & Allies. Ultimately, whether Chariot Lords is worth your time depends on your interest in the genre and your willingness to dedicate a significant amount of time to gameplay. It is recommended for those looking for a deep and strategic gaming experience, while those seeking a quicker, more casual game may want to skip it.

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