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Champs de Bataille III: D’Alexandre à Hannibal (2000) Board Game

Champs de Bataille III: D’Alexandre à Hannibal is a historical wargame that focuses on battles from the ancient world, specifically the period encompassing Alexander the Great and Hannibal. Released in 2000 by Vae Victis, this game is designed for two players and offers a strategic challenge that will appeal to fans of history and wargaming.

Game Components of Champs de Bataille III: D’Alexandre à Hannibal

  • Hexagon Grid Board
  • Counters representing armies, units, and leaders
  • Rulebook
  • Scenario Book
  • How To Setup Champs de Bataille III: D’Alexandre à Hannibal

  • Place the hexagon grid board on a flat surface.
  • Set up the counters on their designated starting positions according to the scenario being played.
  • Each player takes control of their respective armies and leaders.
  • Follow the setup instructions provided in the rulebook for the specific scenario chosen.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns moving their units and attempting to outmaneuver their opponent in battle. The game uses a hexagon grid to represent the battlefield, adding a tactical element to the gameplay. The objective is to defeat the enemy forces and achieve victory through strategic planning and effective combat maneuvers.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging historical theme
  • Strategic depth and tactical gameplay
  • Hexagon grid adds a unique element to the game
  • Well-balanced scenarios that provide replay value
  • Cons:

  • Steep learning curve for new players
  • Some scenarios may feel unbalanced
  • Limited player interaction outside of combat
  • Personal Thoughts on Champs de Bataille III: D’Alexandre à Hannibal

    Champs de Bataille III: D’Alexandre à Hannibal offers a deep and immersive experience for players interested in ancient warfare. The game’s components are well-crafted, and the historical accuracy adds to the overall enjoyment. However, the learning curve may be a deterrent for some players, and the lack of player interaction outside of combat may limit the game’s appeal.

    In terms of build quality, the components are sturdy and durable, ensuring longevity in gameplay sessions. The game’s pricing and availability in the used and new market may vary, so it’s worth exploring different options before making a purchase. For fans of historical wargames and strategic challenges, Champs de Bataille III: D’Alexandre à Hannibal is definitely worth your time. However, those looking for more casual gameplay may want to skip this title. Alternatives such as Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage or Commands & Colors: Ancients offer similar experiences for those seeking a different approach to ancient warfare gaming.

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