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Cave Evil (2011) Board Game

Cave Evil is a board game released in 2011 by Blast City Games. Designed by Mat Brinkman, Jochen Hartmann, and Nate Hayden, the game is set in a dark and twisted underworld where players take on the roles of evil forces vying for control. With its unique theme and intricate artwork, Cave Evil offers a dark and immersive gaming experience for players.

Game Components of Cave Evil

  • Modular game board
  • Player cards
  • Event cards
  • Creature cards
  • Dice
  • How To Setup Cave Evil

  • Place the modular game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the player, event, and creature cards separately.
  • Each player selects a faction and takes their corresponding player cards.
  • Place the creature and event cards in their designated areas on the board.
  • Roll to determine the starting player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Cave Evil, players must navigate the dark underworld, recruit creatures, and battle other players to dominate the underworld. Players utilize hand management and area movement mechanics to strategically plan their moves and outwit their opponents. The objective is to eliminate rival factions and claim control of the underworld.

    Player Experience


  • Unique and immersive theme
  • Intricate artwork and design
  • Strategic gameplay mechanics
  • Replayability with different factions
  • Cons

  • Steep learning curve for new players
  • Lengthy gameplay can be a deterrent for some
  • Limited player interaction can lead to isolated gameplay experiences
  • Personal Thoughts on Cave Evil

    Cave Evil offers a dark and intense gaming experience for players who enjoy deep strategy and immersive themes. The game’s build quality is impressive, with detailed artwork and components that enhance the overall atmosphere. However, the game’s complexity and long playtime may not appeal to casual gamers. At its price point, Cave Evil offers a unique and engaging experience for players looking for a challenging and immersive board game. Alternative games like Chaos in the Old World and Vast: The Crystal Caverns may provide similar experiences for players interested in the dark fantasy genre. Ultimately, Cave Evil is worth your time if you enjoy deep strategy games with a dark and twisted theme. It is best suited for experienced gamers who appreciate intricate gameplay and thematic depth. Casual gamers may find the learning curve and gameplay length to be a barrier to entry.

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