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Cat Lady (2017) Board Game

Cat Lady is a card game released in 2017 by designer Josh Wood and published by Alderac Entertainment Group. The game is designed for 2-4 players and has a runtime of 15-30 minutes. Cat Lady falls under the categories of Animals, Card Game, and Humor, with gameplay focusing on open drafting and set collection mechanics.

Game Components of Cat Lady

  • Cards depicting different cats
  • Cat toys and food tokens
  • Cat lady cards
  • Litter boxes
  • How To Setup Cat Lady

  • Shuffle the cards and place them face down in the center of the table.
  • Place the cat toys and food tokens nearby.
  • Each player receives a cat lady card and a certain number of cards from the deck.
  • Players take turns drafting cards from the center pile.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns drafting cards to collect sets of cats, toys, and food. The objective is to have the most points by the end of the game, which are earned through collecting certain combinations of cards.

    Player Experience


  • Quick gameplay makes it easy to pick up and play
  • Cute and humorous theme appeals to cat lovers
  • Strategic depth in card drafting and set collection
  • Cons:

  • Limited replayability after multiple plays
  • Lack of player interaction can make it feel solitary
  • Personal Thoughts on Cat Lady

    Cat Lady is a fun and lighthearted card game that is perfect for casual gamers and cat enthusiasts. The game’s build quality is good, with charming artwork and sturdy components. While the game may not offer deep strategy or complex mechanics, it provides an enjoyable experience for its target audience.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Cat Lady is reasonably priced and can be found in most game stores or online retailers. As for alternatives, games like Sushi Go! or Jaipur offer similar card drafting and set collection mechanics for those looking for more variety.

    Overall, Cat Lady is worth your time if you enjoy quick and light card games with a cute theme. It is perfect for families, casual gamers, or anyone who loves cats. However, if you prefer more strategic or competitive games, Cat Lady may not be the best fit for you.

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