A box of the "CASHFLOW 202" board game by Rich Dad featuring a cartoon mouse pointing at a rising chart, with text saying "Teaching You the Advanced Skills of Technical Investing".
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Cashflow 202 (1999)

Cashflow 202

Cashflow 202 is an expansion to Cashflow 101, a board game designed by Robert Kiyosaki that aims to teach financial literacy by filling in and updating a personal financial statement throughout the game and focusing on cash flow when investing to attain financial independence and “escape the Rat Race”. Cashflow 202 was designed to be the third stage of the game and for more advanced or sophisticated gameplay. It was made as an expansion to Cashflow 101 and requires it to be able to play. The game was discontinued by Rich Dad Co.

Why is Cashflow 202 Popular?

Cashflow 202 is popular because it provides a fun and interactive way to learn about financial literacy and investing. The game forces players to do the accounting themselves, and the financial statement is in place of “score cards”. Therefore, players can see clearly what is happening with their money and how assets are expected to generate passive income and liabilities increase expenses. The game is significant because it teaches players about investing in a way that is accessible and engaging.

Game Components of Cashflow 202

– Game board
– Dice
– Game cards
– Play money
– Financial statement worksheet
– Pencil

Game Setup of Cashflow 202

To set up the game, players must first set up Cashflow 101. Once Cashflow 101 is set up, players can add the Cashflow 202 expansion to the game. The game board, dice, game cards, play money, financial statement worksheet, and pencil are all included in the game.

Gameplay Mechanics of Cashflow 202

Cashflow 202 focuses on technical investing, including a simple system for options and short sales. The game introduces options, short selling, royalties, insurance, shared deals, buying/selling to other players, and overall greater volatility. Players must fill in and update a personal financial statement throughout the game and focus on cash flow when investing to attain financial independence and “escape the Rat Race”. The game forces players to do the accounting themselves, and the financial statement is in place of “score cards”. Therefore, players can see clearly what is happening with their money and how assets are expected to generate passive income and liabilities increase expenses.

Game Objective of Cashflow 202

The objective of Cashflow 202 is to teach players about financial literacy and investing. Players must fill in and update a personal financial statement throughout the game and focus on cash flow when investing to attain financial independence and “escape the Rat Race”.

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