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Carnac (2014) Board Game

Carnac is an abstract strategy board game designed by Andreas Resch and released in in 2014. The game is designed for two players and has a runtime of about 20 minutes. The game focuses on pattern building and strategic decision-making on a square grid board. The game has received mixed reviews from players and critics alike, with some praising its simplicity and replay value, while others find it lacking in depth and complexity.

Game Components of Carnac

  • Square grid game board
  • Game tiles
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Carnac

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the game tiles and place them face down next to the board.
  • Each player selects a color and takes the corresponding game tiles.
  • Decide who will go first.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Carnac, players take turns placing game tiles on the board to create patterns and score points. The game follows a “I Cut, You Choose” mechanic, where one player divides a group of tiles into two, and the other player chooses which group to take. The objective is to create patterns on the board that will earn you points based on specific criteria outlined in the rulebook.

    Player Experience


  • Quick gameplay
  • Easy to learn rules
  • Strategic decision-making
  • Replay value
  • Cons:

  • Lack of depth
  • Limited player interaction
  • Some may find the game too simplistic
  • Personal Thoughts on Carnac

    Carnac is a decent abstract strategy game that offers a quick and engaging gameplay experience. The game’s simplicity may appeal to casual gamers or those looking for a light strategy game to play with a friend. However, those seeking a more complex and strategic game may find Carnac lacking in depth. The game’s build quality is solid, and the artwork is visually appealing. In terms of pricing and availability, Carnac can be found at a reasonable price both new and used.

    In terms of alternatives and similar games, players who enjoy pattern-building and abstract strategy games may also enjoy games like Azul or Sagrada. Ultimately, whether Carnac is worth your time will depend on your personal preferences and gaming tastes. It is suitable for players aged 8 and above, making it accessible to a wide range of players. Overall, Carnac is a decent game that offers a fun and light gaming experience, but may not be suitable for those seeking a more complex and challenging game.

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