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Cards Christians Like (2020) Board Game

The Cards Christians Like board game was released in 2020 as a party game geared towards Christian players. It aims to provide a fun and interactive experience for players to enjoy together.

Game Components of Cards Christians Like

  • 100 blue cards:** These cards contain prompts.
  • 500 white cards:** These cards are for players to fill in with their funniest responses.
  • Unique observations:** The cards feature humorous observations about church and culture.

    How To Setup Cards Christians Like

    To set up the game, players need to shuffle both the blue and white card decks. Each round, one player reads a prompt from a blue card, and the other players choose the funniest response from their hand of white cards.

    Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

  • Prompt Reading:** One player reads a blue card prompt.
  • Response Selection:** Other players choose the funniest white card response.
  • Voting:** Players vote on the funniest response.
  • Objective:** The goal is to have fun and create humorous combinations by filling in the prompts.

    Player Experience

    **Cards Christians Like** is designed to be an engaging and entertaining game for Christians, allowing them to poke fun at church culture and everyday life. The game encourages creativity and laughter, making it a great addition to church gatherings or social events.


  • Humorous:** The game is filled with humorous observations about church and culture.
  • Interactive:** Players actively participate by choosing and voting on the funniest responses.
  • Large Deck:** With 500 white cards and 100 blue cards, the game offers numerous combinations and extended gameplay.
  • Easy Setup:** The setup is simple, making it easy to get the game started.


  • Niche Audience:** The game is specifically tailored for a Christian audience, which may limit its appeal to a broader demographic.
  • Potential for Offense:** Some players might find certain jokes or observations offensive, depending on individual sensitivities.

    Personal Thoughts on Cards Christians Like

    **Cards Christians Like** is perfect for Christian groups, church gatherings, or social events where participants can enjoy light-hearted humor focused on their shared culture. It encourages creativity, interaction, and laughter, making it a unique and enjoyable party game. However, it may not be as appealing to those outside the Christian community due to its specific theme and content.

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