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Caravan (2019) Board Game

Caravan is a board game released in 2019 that takes players on a journey through the Arabian desert. Designed by Martin Hoffmann and published by Rio Grande Games, this game offers a unique blend of pick-up and deliver mechanics with a touch of “Take That” strategy.

Game Components of Caravan

  • Game board depicting the Arabian desert
  • Player tokens representing different caravans
  • Resource cards such as water, dates, and spices
  • Camels as currency
  • Oasis and market tiles
  • Event cards
  • How To Setup Caravan

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player selects a caravan token and places it on the starting space.
  • Shuffle the resource cards and place them face down.
  • Distribute a starting amount of camels to each player.
  • Place the oasis and market tiles in their designated spots.
  • Shuffle the event cards and place them nearby.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Caravan, players take turns moving their caravan tokens across the desert, collecting and trading resources along the way. The objective is to amass the most valuable collection of goods by the end of the game. Players can hinder their opponents by playing event cards to disrupt their plans or by strategically blocking their paths.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging theme and artwork
  • Strategic depth with a mix of resource management and player interaction
  • Quick runtime of around 45 minutes
  • Cons:

  • Limited player count of 2-4 players
  • Some may find the “Take That” mechanics frustrating
  • Lack of variability in gameplay after multiple sessions
  • Personal Thoughts on Caravan

    Caravan offers an immersive experience set in the Arabian desert, with beautiful artwork and thematic components. The gameplay is solid, but it may not appeal to everyone due to its confrontational nature. The build quality is decent, and the game’s pricing is fair for what it offers. It may not be a top choice for casual gamers, but fans of pick-up and deliver games will likely enjoy it. Overall, Caravan is worth a try for those looking for a unique gaming experience, but it may not be the best fit for everyone.

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