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Candle Quest (2005) Board Game

Candle Quest is a board game designed by Yehuda Berlinger and published by Victory Point Games in in 2005. The game is targeted towards children aged 5 and above, and revolves around a religious theme. With a runtime of around 30 minutes, Candle Quest is a card game that combines auction/bidding and set collection mechanics.

Game Components of Candle Quest:

  • Candle Quest game board
  • Player cards
  • Bid cards
  • Victory cards
  • Candles
  • Tokens
  • How To Setup Candle Quest:

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the player cards and deal a set number to each player.
  • Place the bid cards and victory cards near the board.
  • Distribute candles and tokens to each player.
  • The youngest player goes first.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective:

    In Candle Quest, players take turns bidding on cards to collect sets of candles. The objective is to have the most valuable set of candles by the end of the game. Players can use their tokens to outbid opponents and strategically collect victory cards for bonus points.

    Player Experience:


  • Easy to learn and suitable for children
  • Engaging auction mechanics
  • Religious theme adds a unique touch
  • Cons:

  • Limited replayability
  • Luck-based gameplay may not appeal to all players
  • Personal Thoughts on Candle Quest:

    Candle Quest offers a simple and enjoyable experience for families looking for a light and engaging board game. The build quality is decent, and the religious theme adds a meaningful aspect to gameplay. However, the game may not have enough depth for more experienced gamers. With a moderate pricing and availability in both new and used markets, Candle Quest is a good choice for families and casual gamers. Alternatives like “Biblios” and “For Sale” offer similar gameplay experiences. Overall, Candle Quest is worth your time if you enjoy auction mechanics and set collection games, but more serious gamers may want to skip it in favor of more strategic options.

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