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Cacao (2015) Board Game

Cacao is a board game designed by Phil Walker-Harding and released in 2015 by ABACUSSPIELE. The game is set in the exotic world of the “fruit of the gods” and players take on the roles of tribal chiefs leading their people to prosperity through the cultivation and trade of cacao beans.

Game Components of Cacao

  • Hexagonal game tiles
  • Cacao bean tokens
  • Wooden worker pieces
  • Sun tokens
  • Water tokens
  • Market tiles
  • Jungle tiles
  • Starting player token
  • How To Setup Cacao

  • Lay out the jungle tiles to form the game board.
  • Place the market tiles face down and randomly select four to place on the board.
  • Each player receives a set of worker pieces and sun tokens.
  • Randomly determine the starting player and give them the starting player token.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Cacao, players must strategically place their workers on the board to cultivate cacao beans, expand their plantations, and trade goods at the market. The objective is to earn the most points by the end of the game through efficient resource management and clever tile placement.

    Player Experience


  • Simple rules and easy to learn for beginners
  • Engaging gameplay with strategic depth
  • Beautiful artwork and components
  • Quick gameplay with a runtime of around 45 minutes
  • Cons

  • Limited player interaction
  • Luck can play a factor in tile draws
  • Some may find the game’s pacing slow
  • Personal Thoughts on Cacao

    Cacao is a well-designed game that offers a fun and engaging experience for players looking for a light to medium-weight strategy game. The game’s components are of high quality, and the artwork adds to the immersive experience. While the game may lack deep player interaction, it makes up for it with its accessible gameplay and quick pace.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Cacao can be found at a reasonable price point for a new copy. There are also alternatives and similar games in the economic and territory building categories, such as Carcassonne and Splendor, that players may enjoy if they like Cacao. Overall, Cacao is worth your time if you enjoy strategic tile placement games and are looking for a game that can be easily taught to new players. However, those seeking heavy player interaction may want to skip this one.

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