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Buffalo Chess (1975) Board Game

Buffalo Chess is a classic board game that was released in 1975 by designer Alex Randolph. The game is set in the American West and is a children’s game that involves abstract strategy and grid movement mechanics. The game has been published by Action GT and has been enjoyed by players for decades.

Game Components of Buffalo Chess

  • Buffalo Chess Board
  • Chess pieces representing different animals
  • Instruction booklet
  • How To Setup Buffalo Chess

  • Place the Buffalo Chess board in the center of the playing area.
  • Each player chooses a color and takes their corresponding animal pieces.
  • Place the animal pieces on their designated starting positions on the board.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Buffalo Chess, players take turns moving their animal pieces across the board in an attempt to capture their opponent’s pieces. The game is won by capturing all of the opponent’s pieces or by putting them in a position where they cannot make a legal move.

    Player Experience


  • Simple rules make it easy for children to learn and play
  • Strategic gameplay keeps players engaged
  • Unique theme and animal pieces add to the overall experience
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value for more experienced players
  • Luck can sometimes play a role in the outcome of the game
  • Personal Thoughts on Buffalo Chess

    Buffalo Chess is a fun and engaging game for children and casual players. The game’s build quality is durable, making it suitable for repeated play. While the game may not offer enough depth for serious gamers, it is an enjoyable option for families looking for a light strategy game to play together. The pricing and availability of Buffalo Chess can vary, but it is often found at a reasonable price point. For those interested in similar games, Buffalo Chess is worth checking out, especially for those who enjoy abstract strategy games with a unique theme. Overall, Buffalo Chess is a game that is worth your time, particularly for families and casual gamers.

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