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Brawl (1999) Board Game

Brawl is a card game designed by James Ernest and published by Cheapass Games in in 1999. The game is known for its fast-paced gameplay and strategic card combinations. With unique artwork from artists like Phil Foglio and Ryan Kinnaird, Brawl has gained a loyal following among card game enthusiasts.

Game Components of Brawl

  • Card deck with various character cards
  • Damage tokens
  • Reference cards
  • How To Setup Brawl

  • Shuffle the deck of character cards and deal each player a starting hand.
  • Place the damage tokens within reach of all players.
  • Designate a starting player and begin the game.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Brawl, players take on the roles of different characters with unique abilities and powers. The objective is to defeat your opponents by reducing their health points to zero. Players can play cards to attack, defend, and use special abilities to gain the upper hand in battles.

    Player Experience


  • Fast-paced gameplay
  • Strategic card combinations
  • Variable player powers add replayability
  • Cons:

  • Limited player count
  • Some may find the real-time aspect stressful
  • Personal Thoughts on Brawl

    Brawl is a fun and engaging card game that offers a unique twist on the fighting genre. The artwork is vibrant and adds to the overall experience of the game. While the real-time aspect may not be for everyone, it adds a level of excitement and urgency to each round. The game is reasonably priced and can be found both new and used, making it accessible to a wide audience.

    For fans of card games and fast-paced gameplay, Brawl is definitely worth your time. However, those who prefer more strategic or slower-paced games may want to skip this one. Overall, Brawl is a solid choice for casual game nights or quick gaming sessions with friends.

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