An image of an object with a green and yellow gradient background featuring the embossed text "BRAIN CHAIN" in a stylized font with a central emblem of a brain within a hexagonal outline.
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Brain Chain (2002)

Brain Chain

Brain Chain is a strategy-driven trivia board game played by two or three players or teams. The object of the game is to be the first player or team to connect an unbroken chain of five links of the same color. The game was first introduced in 1991 by the game company, Pressman Toy Corporation.

Why is Brain Chain Popular?

Brain Chain is a popular game because it combines strategy and trivia, making it a fun and challenging game for players of all ages. The game is significant because it helps players improve their memory, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

Game Components of Brain Chain

– Game board
– 300 trivia cards
– 3 sets of colored links (red, green, and blue)
– 3 link holders
– 3 pawns

Game Setup of Brain Chain

Each player or team chooses a color and takes the corresponding set of links and link holder. The trivia cards are shuffled and placed in a pile. The game board is placed in the center of the table. Each player or team places their pawn on the starting space.

Gameplay Mechanics of Brain Chain

The first player or team draws a trivia card and reads the question aloud. If the player or team answers the question correctly, they place one of their links on the board and move their pawn to the next space. If the player or team answers incorrectly, play passes to the next player or team. The game continues until one player or team connects an unbroken chain of five links of the same color.

Game Objective of Brain Chain

The objective of Brain Chain is to be the first player or team to connect an unbroken chain of five links of the same color.

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