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Bosk (2019) Board Game

Bosk is a beautifully designed abstract strategy game that was released in 2019 by Floodgate Games. Designed by Daryl Andrews and Erica Bouyouris, the game challenges players to strategically place their trees to gain control of the park during the four seasons.

Game Components of Bosk

  • Double-sided game board
  • 4 sets of tree standees (each set includes 8 trees numbered 1-4)
  • 36 leaf tokens per player
  • 8 leaf tiles per player (including a special squirrel tile)
  • Wind Board and Wind Direction Marker
  • Score Track and Leaf Tokens for scoring
  • Hiker player marker
  • Boxes for organizing components by color.

    How To Setup Bosk

    To set up Bosk, start by placing the double-sided game board in the middle of the table, choosing the side appropriate for the number of players (bigger squares for 2 players, smaller squares with or without the white border for 3 and 4 players). Each player receives a set of tree standees, leaf tokens, leaf tiles, and a squirrel in their chosen color. The Wind Board and Wind Direction Marker are placed aside for now. Players place a Leaf Token near the Score Track to track their scores. Determine the starting player randomly and give them the Hiker marker.

    Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

  • Spring/Summer:**
    – Players place their tree standees on unoccupied intersections on the board to control rows and columns.
    – Score points based on the highest total value of trees in each row and column.

  • Autumn:**
    – Players take turns dropping leaves from their trees based on the wind direction indicated by the Wind Board.
    – Use leaf tiles to determine how many leaves to drop and in which direction.
    – The squirrel tile allows a special action to ignore wind direction and place a leaf token.

  • Winter:**
    – Score points for the areas with the most leaves on different terrain types on the board.
    – The player with the highest total score wins.

    Player Experience

    Bosk offers a smooth and quick gameplay experience, with setup, gameplay, and teardown lasting around an hour. The game is praised for its beautiful and serene artwork, making it a visually appealing addition to any board game collection. The dual-phase gameplay (tree placement and leaf dropping) provides a dynamic experience, with each phase influencing the next. Higher player counts are particularly exciting, as they introduce more contention for spaces on the board.


  • Beautiful Artwork:** Illustrated by Kwanchai Moriya, the game’s components and board are highly praised for their aesthetic appeal.
  • Simple Ruleset:** Despite its strategic depth, Bosk has a surprisingly rules-light design.
  • Low Analysis Paralysis:** Decisions are quick and locally optimized without significantly impacting gameplay time.
  • Smooth Gameplay:** Turns move swiftly with minimal downtime between them.
  • Competitive but Not Aggressive:** The game maintains a competitive edge without being mean-spirited.


  • Punchboard Issues:** Some players have reported difficulty in removing components from the punchboards.
  • Limited Variety:** There is a desire for more variance in player powers or scoring mechanics to add more variety to the game.

    Personal Thoughts on Bosk

    Bosk is an excellent choice for those who appreciate strategic area control games with a touch of natural beauty. It is particularly suited for families and casual gamers who enjoy a balanced mix of strategy and quick gameplay. The game’s thematic representation of the four seasons and its artistic design make it a standout in any board game collection. It’s ideal for players looking for a game that is both visually stunning and engaging without being overly complex or aggressive.

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