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Blackrock City (2012) Board Game

Blackrock City is a board game set in the American West, where players take on the role of entrepreneurs looking to build up their own booming town. Released in 2012 by Blackrock Games and designed by Tony Rochon, this game offers a unique blend of auction and bidding mechanics that keep players engaged and on their toes.

Game Components of Blackrock City

  • Game board
  • Player tokens
  • Building tiles
  • Resource cards
  • Money tokens
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Blackrock City

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the building tiles and place them face down.
  • Give each player their player token and starting resources.
  • Set up the money tokens and resource cards within reach of all players.
  • Follow the specific setup instructions outlined in the rulebook.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Blackrock City, players will take turns bidding on different building tiles, trying to create the most prosperous town. The game objective is to strategically build up your town with the best buildings to attract the most visitors and earn the most money. Each building provides different bonuses and advantages, so players must carefully plan their purchases to outwit their opponents.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging auction and bidding mechanics keep players on their toes.
  • Strategic decision-making is key to success.
  • Beautiful artwork and thematic elements immerse players in the American West setting.
  • Cons:

  • Gameplay can be a bit slow-paced for some players.
  • Luck plays a role in the draw of resource cards.
  • Personal Thoughts on Blackrock City

    Blackrock City is a solid board game that offers a unique gameplay experience with its blend of auction and bidding mechanics. The build quality of the components is top-notch, and the artwork really brings the American West theme to life. While the game may not be for everyone due to its slower pace and reliance on luck, fans of strategic games with a historical theme will find plenty to enjoy here. The pricing and availability of the game, both new and used, make it accessible to a wide range of players. Overall, Blackrock City is definitely worth your time if you enjoy immersive, strategic board games set in the American West. However, those who prefer faster-paced games or are not fans of auction mechanics may want to skip this one.

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