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Bitter Woods Deluxe Edition (2003) Board Game

Bitter Woods Deluxe Edition is a wargame set in the European Theater of World War II. It was originally released in 2003 by designer Art Lupinacci and features a hexagon grid map and dice rolling mechanics to simulate combat between Axis and Allied forces.

Game Components of Bitter Woods Deluxe Edition

  • Hexagon grid map
  • Counters representing military units
  • Scenario cards
  • Combat Results Table
  • Rulebook
  • Dice
  • How To Setup Bitter Woods Deluxe Edition

  • Unfold the hexagon grid map and place it on a flat surface.
  • Place the counters representing military units on their designated starting locations.
  • Shuffle the scenario cards and choose a scenario to play.
  • Refer to the rulebook for specific setup instructions based on the chosen scenario.
  • Roll dice to determine starting player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns moving their military units across the map, engaging in combat, and executing strategic maneuvers to achieve their objectives. The game uses a Points Ratio / Combat Results Table to determine outcomes of battles. The objective varies based on the scenario chosen, but typically involves capturing key locations or achieving specific military goals.

    Player Experience


  • Deep strategic gameplay with a focus on historical accuracy
  • Engaging combat mechanics with a dice rolling element
  • Multiple scenarios provide replayability
  • Suitable for both casual and experienced wargamers
  • Cons:

  • Long playtime of up to 4 hours may be a deterrent for some players
  • Steep learning curve for new players
  • Limited availability of the Deluxe Edition may make it difficult to find
  • Personal Thoughts on Bitter Woods Deluxe Edition

    Bitter Woods Deluxe Edition offers a comprehensive wargaming experience for players interested in World War II history and strategic gameplay. The build quality of the components is top-notch, and the attention to detail in historical accuracy is commendable. However, the game’s lengthy playtime and complex rules may not appeal to all players. The pricing and availability of the Deluxe Edition may also be a factor for some, as it can be challenging to find. Overall, Bitter Woods Deluxe Edition is worth a try for dedicated wargamers looking for a deep and immersive gaming experience. Players who enjoy historical wargames and are willing to invest time in learning the rules will find it rewarding, while those seeking a more casual gaming experience may want to consider alternative options.

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