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Bisikle (2009) Board Game

Bisikle is a board game that was released in in 2009. It is a combination of action/dexterity, racing, and sports genres, designed for 1-4 players with a runtime of around 30 minutes. The game involves flicking discs to move marbles around a track, making it a fun and interactive experience for players of all ages.

Game Components of Bisikle

  • Flicking discs
  • Marbles
  • Track pieces
  • Start/finish line
  • Barrier pieces
  • How To Setup Bisikle

  • Lay out the track pieces to form a complete circuit.
  • Place the start/finish line at one end of the track.
  • Distribute the flicking discs and marbles to each player.
  • Place barrier pieces strategically around the track to create obstacles.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    The objective of Bisikle is to flick your discs in such a way that you move your marbles around the track and cross the finish line first. Players must navigate obstacles and use skillful flicking techniques to outmaneuver their opponents and claim victory.

    Player Experience


  • Fun and interactive gameplay
  • Easy to learn and quick to set up
  • Suitable for players of all ages
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value
  • Components may wear out over time
  • Personal Thoughts on Bisikle

    Bisikle is a unique and enjoyable game that offers a refreshing twist on traditional board games. Its build quality is decent, although some components may not withstand heavy use. The game falls within a niche category but can provide hours of entertainment for players looking for a lighthearted and engaging experience. Pricing and availability for both new and used copies may vary, so it’s worth checking online retailers and local game stores for deals. Alternatives and similar games to Bisikle include PitchCar and Crokinole, which offer similar dexterity-based gameplay. Overall, Bisikle is worth your time if you enjoy flicking games and are looking for a family-friendly option. It’s recommended for casual players and families, while more serious gamers may find it lacking in depth and strategy.

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