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Behind (2003) Board Game

Behind is a two-player card game released in 2003, designed by Sebastian Jakob and Michael Palm. With a fantasy, fighting, horror, and religious theme, Behind offers players a unique gaming experience with its deck construction, hand management, role-playing, and variable player powers mechanics.

Game Components of Behind

  • Cards featuring artwork by Volkan Baga, Eckhard Freytag, Joachim Krause, Cristina Ortega, and two more artists
  • Various tokens for tracking player stats and progress
  • Rulebook for reference and gameplay guidelines
  • How To Setup Behind

  • Shuffle the deck of cards and deal a starting hand to each player.
  • Place the tokens in a visible and accessible area for both players.
  • Follow the setup instructions outlined in the rulebook for any additional components or special rules.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Behind, players take on the roles of powerful characters with unique abilities and powers. The objective is to outwit, outmaneuver, and defeat your opponent through strategic card plays, resource management, and tactical decision-making. Each player must carefully construct their deck, manage their hand efficiently, and utilize their character’s abilities to secure victory.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging two-player gameplay with a mix of strategy and luck
  • Varied player powers and abilities offer replay value and strategic depth
  • Stunning artwork and thematic elements enhance immersion in the game world
  • Cons:

  • Steep learning curve for new players due to complex mechanics and interactions
  • Limited player interaction beyond card plays and resource management
  • The game may feel repetitive after multiple playthroughs due to the fixed deck construction
  • Personal Thoughts on Behind

    Behind offers a unique gaming experience with its blend of fantasy, fighting, horror, and religious themes. The game’s deck construction, hand management, and role-playing mechanics provide depth and complexity for seasoned players looking for a challenge. While the game may not be suitable for casual gamers due to its steep learning curve and limited player interaction, enthusiasts of strategic card games will find Behind to be a rewarding experience.

    In terms of build quality, Behind features high-quality components and stunning artwork that adds to the overall immersion in the game world. However, the pricing and availability of the game, both new and used, may vary, so it’s essential to shop around for the best deal.

    For those seeking alternatives or similar games, Behind can be compared to other two-player card games with deck construction and variable player powers mechanics. While Behind may not be for everyone, it is worth considering for players who enjoy tactical card games with a thematic twist. Ultimately, Behind is a game that rewards strategic thinking, careful planning, and adaptability, making it a worthwhile investment for those who appreciate challenging gameplay experiences.

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