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Beasts of Balance (2016) Board Game

Beasts of Balance is a unique tabletop game that was released in 2016 by Modern Games. Designed by George Buckenham and Alex Fleetwood, the game combines physical stacking and balancing with digital elements to create an engaging and challenging experience for players of all ages.

Game Components of Beasts of Balance

  • 1 balancing board
  • 24 beautifully crafted beast and artifact pieces
  • 1 playmat
  • 1 charging base
  • 1 app for iOS or Android devices
  • How To Setup Beasts of Balance

  • Place the balancing board on a flat surface.
  • Connect the charging base to a power source.
  • Download the app on your device and connect it to the board via Bluetooth.
  • Place the playmat next to the board.
  • Distribute the beast and artifact pieces among the players.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Beasts of Balance, players take turns stacking pieces on the board to create new creatures and ecosystems. Each piece has different abilities and effects, and players must strategically balance them to keep their world alive. The game has a cooperative element, as players work together to score points and prevent the tower from toppling over.

    The objective of the game is to create as many unique combinations of creatures and artifacts as possible while keeping the tower stable. The game ends when the tower collapses, resulting in a sudden death for the players.

    Player Experience


  • Innovative blend of physical and digital gameplay
  • Beautifully designed pieces
  • Engaging cooperative gameplay
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value
  • Some pieces may be difficult to balance
  • Personal Thoughts on Beasts of Balance

    Beasts of Balance is a visually stunning game that offers a unique and immersive experience for players. The combination of physical stacking and digital elements keeps the gameplay fresh and exciting. However, the game may lack long-term replay value for some players, as the mechanics can become repetitive over time.

    Overall, Beasts of Balance is a great addition to any game night and is well worth the investment for those looking for a fun and interactive experience. Players who enjoy cooperative games and unique game mechanics will likely find Beasts of Balance to be a worthwhile addition to their collection.

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