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Battlecars (1983) Board Game

Battlecars is a board game released in 1983 by Äventyrsspel. It was designed by Gary Chalk and Ian Livingstone, with artwork by Jim Burns, Gary Chalk, Nils Gulliksson, Steven Hägg, and Olle Sahlin. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic world where players compete in a deadly car race filled with obstacles and combat.

Game Components of Battlecars

  • Game board with movement lines
  • Car templates
  • Counters for grass, trees, and buildings
  • Red counters for marking damage
  • Weapon counters (rockets, shells, flamethrowers, machine guns, smoke, spikes, oil)
  • Card counters for tracking damage
  • Optional expansion: *Battlebikes* introducing motorcycles

    How To Setup Battlecars

    To set up *Battlecars*, players start by placing the game board, which features movement lines to guide vehicle movement. Each player selects and equips their battlecars with various weapons and defensive mechanisms. The board is populated with counters representing terrain features like grass, trees, and buildings. Players then place their car templates on the board, ready to begin the game.

    Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

  • Movement System: Vehicles move along pre-defined lines on the board.
  • Combat: Players use weapon counters to attack each other’s vehicles, marking damage with red counters.
  • Damage Tracking: Card counters are used to keep track of vehicle damage.
  • Objective: The goal is to eliminate the opposing player’s vehicles or force their drivers to abandon their cars.
  • Turn Structure: An I Go/You Go turn system, with potential for skidding if speed limits are exceeded.

    Player Experience

    Playing *Battlecars* often results in chaotic and entertaining scenarios, with cars spinning, smashing, or blowing up, and drivers scrambling to escape. The game’s simplicity allows for quick and fluid action, although it may lack the complexity preferred by more mature players. The game’s randomness and ease of weapon hits add to the excitement and unpredictability.


  • Simple and easy to learn game mechanics
  • Quick and entertaining gameplay
  • High production values compared to other games of its time
  • Allows for creative and cinematic gameplay experiences


  • Basic rules and limited vehicle customization options
  • Higher price compared to similar games like *Car Wars*
  • Lack of free movement and complex combat options
  • Dated turn structure and movement system

    Personal Thoughts on Battlecars

    *Battlecars* is ideal for those who enjoy light-hearted, fast-paced combat games with a nostalgic value. It is perfect for players who appreciate the *Mad Max* genre and are looking for a fun, if somewhat simplistic, gaming experience. While it may not stand up to modern game design standards, it still offers a unique and enjoyable experience for those willing to embrace its old-school charm. If you’re looking for a game that captures the spirit of road rage in a humorous and action-packed way, *Battlecars* might just be the game for you.

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