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Battle Sheep (2010) Board Game

Battle Sheep is a strategy board game designed by Francesco Rotta and published by Blue Orange in in 2010. The game challenges players to maneuver their herd of sheep across the board to claim the most territory. With its simple rules and quick gameplay, Battle Sheep has become a popular choice for families and casual gamers.

Game Components of Battle Sheep

  • 16 Pasture Boards
  • 64 Sheep Tokens
  • 4 Player Flocks
  • How To Setup Battle Sheep

  • Place the pasture boards in a 4×4 grid.
  • Each player chooses a flock of sheep and places them on one edge of the grid.
  • Players take turns splitting their flock and moving them across the board, trying to claim as much territory as possible.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    The objective of Battle Sheep is to occupy the most pasture boards by the end of the game. Players must strategically split and move their sheep to outmaneuver their opponents and secure the most territory.

    Player Experience


  • Quick setup and gameplay
  • Easy to learn for players of all ages
  • Strategic depth in planning sheep movements
  • Engaging competition with friends and family
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value due to the simplicity of gameplay
  • Lack of variety in strategy after multiple playthroughs
  • Personal Thoughts on Battle Sheep

    Battle Sheep is a fun and accessible strategy game that is perfect for casual gaming sessions with friends and family. While the gameplay may lack depth for more experienced gamers, its quick-paced nature makes it a great choice for younger players or those new to board games. The components are well-made and durable, ensuring that the game will last for many playthroughs.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Battle Sheep is reasonably priced for the quality of components and entertainment value it provides. It can be found both new and used, making it accessible to a wide range of players. For those looking for similar games, titles like Hey, That’s My Fish! and Blokus offer similar abstract strategy gameplay that may appeal to fans of Battle Sheep.

    Overall, Battle Sheep is worth your time if you enjoy light strategy games and are looking for a fun and engaging experience to share with friends and family. It may not offer the depth of more complex strategy games, but its simplicity and accessibility make it a great addition to any game night. Players who enjoy games that require spatial awareness and planning will find Battle Sheep to be a delightful addition to their collection.

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