"Vintage 'American Heritage Battle-Cry' Civil War board game box by Milton Bradley Company, showing illustrated cavalry and soldiers in battle on the cover."
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Battle Cry (1999)

Battle-Cry (Milton Bradley game)

Battle-Cry is a board game set in the American Civil War that was published by the Milton Bradley Company in 1961 as part of their popular American Heritage series. It was produced as a cooperative effort between Milton Bradley and American Heritage to mark the 100th anniversary of the American Civil War. Battle Cry is a two-player board game between units representing the Union and Confederate armies, with special rules for a 4-player game.

Why is Battle-Cry (Milton Bradley game) Popular?

Battle Cry is significant because it is a historical board game that allows players to experience the American Civil War in a fun and engaging way. It has been praised for its simplicity and fast-paced gameplay, which makes it accessible to both casual and experienced gamers. The game has won several awards, including the 2001 International Gamers Award for General Strategy, 2-Player category.

Game Components of Battle-Cry (Milton Bradley game)

Square-grid map of the Eastern United States at the time of the American Civil War44 playing pieces (22 blue, 22 gray)2 decks of 30 cards each2 diceRulebook

Game Setup of Battle-Cry (Milton Bradley game)

Players choose sides and set up their armies on the map according to the scenario being played. Each player draws a hand of cards from their deck.

Gameplay Mechanics of Battle-Cry (Milton Bradley game)

Players take turns moving their units and attacking their opponent’s units. Movement is determined by the cards in a player’s hand, which have different values for movement and combat. Combat is resolved by rolling dice and comparing the results to a chart. The game also includes special rules for terrain, artillery, and cavalry.

Game Objective of Battle-Cry (Milton Bradley game)

The objective of the game is to capture a certain number of victory points by controlling key areas on the map or by eliminating the opponent’s units.

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