Alt text: A worn box of "Battle Cattle: The Card Game" by Steve Jackson Games, featuring colorful cartoon artwork with a male and female character and a mechanical bull in the background.
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Battle Cattle (1996)

Battle Cattle: Brief History and Background Information of Battle Cattle

“Battle Cattle” is a light-hearted combat board game published by Wingnut Games in 1997. The game was later turned into a card game by Steve Jackson Games in 2001. The game involves players rolling up statistics for warrior cows armed with weapons and engaging each other in combat.

Why is Battle Cattle Popular?

The game is popular and significant due to its:
– Unique theme: The game combines a humorous and light-hearted approach to combat with the use of anthropomorphic cows, making it stand out from more traditional combat games.
– Easy gameplay: The rules are simple and straightforward, allowing players to quickly learn and enjoy the game.
– Expansion possibilities: The game has been expanded upon over the years, with additional editions and variations available for players to explore.

Game Components of Battle Cattle

The Game Components of Battle Cattle include:
– Cow cards: Each player chooses a breed of cow from a list and generates statistics for the cow to determine Health Points, Weight Allowances, and Tipping Defence numbers.
– Offensive and defensive accessories: Players can choose from various accessories to enhance their cow’s combat capabilities.
– Magic Moo-ssile: In the Second Edition Expansion, players can use a Magic Moo-ssile to enhance their Angus Wizard’s abilities.

Game Setup of Battle Cattle

Choose a breed of cow and generate statistics for the cow.Select offensive and defensive accessories for the cow.Engage in combat with other players.

Gameplay Mechanics of Battle Cattle

The gameplay is based on the idea of putting a bunch of cows augmented with heavy weapons in an arena with two objectives: to kill the rest of the cows as quickly as possible and to avoid being killed themselves.

Game Objective of Battle Cattle

The objective of the game is to be the last cow standing after engaging in combat with other players.

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