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Bag of Dungeon: A Fantasy Adventure Game (2018) Board Game

Bag of Dungeon: A Fantasy Adventure Game is a tabletop game released in 2018, designed by Tim Sharville. The game allows for 1-4 players, with a recommended age of 8 and up. Players are immersed in a fantasy world where they must explore dungeons, fight monsters, and complete quests to emerge victorious.

Game Components of Bag of Dungeon: A Fantasy Adventure Game

  • Rulebook
  • Game board
  • Character cards
  • Monster cards
  • Dice
  • Tokens
  • How To Setup Bag of Dungeon: A Fantasy Adventure Game

  • Lay out the game board.
  • Shuffle the monster and treasure cards.
  • Each player selects a character and takes the corresponding character card.
  • Place the tokens and dice within reach.
  • Follow the setup instructions in the rulebook for any additional components.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns moving their characters through the dungeon, encountering monsters and obstacles along the way. Dice rolling and strategic decisions determine the outcome of battles and challenges. The objective is to navigate the dungeon, defeat the final boss, and emerge victorious.

    Player Experience

    The game offers a mix of exploration, combat, and strategy, keeping players engaged throughout. The cooperative element allows for teamwork and tactical planning. However, some players may find the game repetitive after multiple playthroughs.



  • Engaging gameplay
  • Cooperative elements
  • Strategic decision-making
  • #


  • Repetitive after multiple plays
  • Limited player interaction
  • Personal Thoughts on Bag of Dungeon: A Fantasy Adventure Game

    Bag of Dungeon: A Fantasy Adventure Game offers a solid tabletop experience for fans of fantasy and adventure games. The build quality is decent, and the game is priced reasonably for what it offers. Availability of both new and used copies ensures that players can find the game easily.

    For those who enjoy cooperative dungeon-crawling experiences, Bag of Dungeon is worth your time. Players looking for a deeper strategy game may find it lacking, but it is well-suited for casual gaming sessions. Overall, it is a game that fans of the fantasy genre should consider adding to their collection, while others may choose to skip it in favor of more complex titles.

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