Box cover of the "Auf Achse" board game featuring illustrated red and blue trucks on a roadway with the title in bold letters, game information, and a Spiel des Jahres award badge.
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Auf Achse (1987)

Auf Achse

“Auf Achse” is a logistics-themed board game designed by Wolfgang Kramer and published in 1987 by FX Schmid. The game won the prestigious Spiel des Jahres award and has been in print continuously since its first edition. The game has gained popularity and significance for several reasons:

Logistics Theme

The game revolves around the concept of logistics, which involves the management and transportation of commodities. This theme appeals to players who enjoy strategic planning and problem-solving.

Awards and Recognition

“Auf Achse” won the Spiel des Jahres award in 1987, which helped to establish its reputation as a high-quality board game.


The game offers a variety of strategies and player interactions, making it engaging and replayable for both solo and multiplayer experiences.

Game Components of Auf Achse

– Board
– Commodity tokens
– Truck tokens
– Money tokens
– Player markers
– Orders
– Trailers

Game Setup of Auf Achse

1. Prepare the board and place it in the center of the table.2. Shuffle the commodity tokens and place them face down in a draw pile.3. Each player is dealt a hand of cards.4. Place the truck tokens and money tokens in the center of the table.5. Determine the starting player and begin the game.

Gameplay Mechanics of Auf Achse

“Auf Achse” is a pick-up and deliver game where players take turns to:1. Draw cards and acquire commodities.2. Plan their routes and deliver commodities to their destinations.3. Collect money for completed orders.4. Buy trailers to increase their capacity.5. End their turn by discarding cards and drawing new ones.The game ends when all commodities have been delivered, and players count their remaining money to determine the winner.

Game Objective of Auf Achse

The goal of “Auf Achse” is to earn the most money through optimal route planning and efficient use of resources.

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