"Attack of the Mutants" board game box with artwork depicting a blue mutant, along with game pieces, dice, and instructional papers spread out on a white surface.
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Attack of the Mutants! (1981)

Attack of the Mutants!

Attack of the Mutants! is a board game that was first published in 1981. The game is set in a college science lab where a horde of mutants invade, and the players must use the equipment in the science building to escape to an alternate Earth. The game has a 1950s monster B-movie theme and is known for its campy horror style.

Why is Attack of the Mutants! Popular?

Attack of the Mutants! is popular among board game enthusiasts due to its unique theme and Gameplay Mechanics of Attack of the Mutants!. The game is significant for its hidden movement gameplay, where one player controls the mutants and the other players control the human characters trying to escape. The game is also known for its retro style and nostalgic appeal, as it captures the feel of 1950s monster movies.

Game Components of Attack of the Mutants!

The Game Components of Attack of the Mutants! for Attack of the Mutants! include:
– Game board
– Player pieces
– Mutant pieces
– Equipment cards
– Event cards
– Dice

Game Setup of Attack of the Mutants!

To set up the game, players place the game board on a flat surface and choose their player pieces. One player takes control of the mutant pieces, and the other players control the human characters. The equipment and event cards are shuffled and placed face down on the board, and the dice are placed nearby.

Gameplay Mechanics of Attack of the Mutants!

Attack of the Mutants! is a hidden movement game where the human players must use the equipment in the science building to escape to an alternate Earth while avoiding the mutants controlled by the other player. The game is played over several rounds, with each round consisting of the following phases:
– Equipment phase: Players draw an equipment card and can use it to help them escape or defend against the mutants.
– Movement phase: Players move their pieces on the board, trying to avoid the mutants.
– Mutant phase: The player controlling the mutants moves their pieces and tries to capture the human players.
– Event phase: An event card is drawn, which can have positive or negative effects on the players.

Game Objective of Attack of the Mutants!

The objective of the game is for the human players to escape to an alternate Earth by using the equipment in the science building while avoiding the mutants. The player controlling the mutants wins if they capture all of the human players.

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