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Astronauts: The Ultimate Space Game (2011) Board Game

Astronauts: The Ultimate Space Game is a board game released in 2011 that caters to 2-5 players. With a runtime of approximately 45 minutes and an age recommendation of 9+, this game falls under the Adventure, Card Game, and Space Exploration categories. The game revolves around players taking on the role of astronauts exploring space and completing various missions.

Game Components of Astronauts: The Ultimate Space Game

  • Game board
  • Mission cards
  • Player tokens
  • Resource tokens
  • Dice
  • How To Setup Astronauts: The Ultimate Space Game

  • Set up the game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the mission cards and place them face down.
  • Each player selects a player token and places it on the starting space.
  • Distribute resource tokens to each player.
  • Roll the dice to determine the starting player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Astronauts: The Ultimate Space Game, players take turns moving around the game board, completing missions, and collecting resources. The objective is to be the first player to complete a set number of missions and return to Earth.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging gameplay that keeps players on their toes
  • Strategic decisions to be made throughout the game
  • Educational elements about space exploration
  • Cons:

  • Game can be heavily luck-based at times
  • Limited replayability after multiple plays
  • Personal Thoughts on Astronauts: The Ultimate Space Game

    Astronauts: The Ultimate Space Game is a fun and educational board game that offers an exciting space exploration experience. The build quality of the game components is satisfactory, and the pricing is reasonable for what the game offers. However, the game may not appeal to everyone, especially those looking for more complex gameplay mechanics. Overall, it is worth checking out for those interested in space exploration and casual board gaming.

    Overall, Astronauts: The Ultimate Space Game is a great game for families and casual gamers looking for a space-themed experience. It may not have the depth or complexity of some other board games, but it offers an enjoyable and educational gameplay experience. If you enjoy games that blend strategy with luck and have an interest in space exploration, this game is definitely worth your time. On the other hand, those seeking more challenging or intricate gameplay mechanics may want to look for alternative options.

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