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Apples to Apples Kids (2001) Board Game

Apples to Apples Kids is a children’s version of the popular party game Apples to Apples, which was first released in in 2001. Designed by Matthew Kirby and Mark Alan Osterhaus, this version is suitable for players aged 7 and up and features kid-friendly word cards for a fun and engaging gameplay experience.

Game Components of Apples to Apples Kids

  • Word cards
  • Green apple cards
  • Red apple cards
  • How To Setup Apples to Apples Kids

  • Shuffle the word cards and place them in a stack.
  • Each player is dealt a hand of red apple cards.
  • Choose a player to be the first judge.
  • The judge draws a word card and reads it aloud.
  • Players select a red apple card from their hand that they think best matches the word card.
  • The judge selects the best matching card and awards the green apple card to the winning player.
  • Rotate the judge role to the next player and continue playing rounds.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    The objective of Apples to Apples Kids is to match word cards with the most fitting red apple card in order to win green apple cards. Players use their creativity and humor to make the best matches and earn the most green apple cards by the end of the game.

    Player Experience


  • Easy to learn and play for children
  • Encourages creativity and critical thinking
  • Promotes social interaction and communication skills
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value for older players
  • Some red apple cards may be too challenging for younger children
  • Personal Thoughts on Apples to Apples Kids

    Apples to Apples Kids is a fun and entertaining game for children, offering a lighthearted and creative way to engage with friends and family. The game’s build quality is sturdy and durable, making it a good investment for long-term play. While the game is relatively affordable and widely available, there are alternative party games on the market that may offer more complexity and depth for older players. Overall, Apples to Apples Kids is worth your time if you’re looking for a family-friendly game that is suitable for a younger audience. However, older players may find the gameplay to be too simplistic and repetitive.

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