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Animal Kingdoms (2020) Board Game

Animal Kingdoms is a board game released in 2020 by Galactic Raptor Games. Designed by Steven Aramini, this game is set in the animal kingdom where players compete to establish dominance in different territories. With beautiful artwork by Michael Cofer, Danny Devine, Katy Grierson, and Jeff Wallace, Animal Kingdoms offers a visually captivating experience for players.

Game Components of Animal Kingdoms

  • Game board
  • 60 animal cards
  • 40 banner tokens
  • 5 player aids
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Animal Kingdoms

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the animal cards and place them face down on the designated area of the board.
  • Each player receives a player aid and a set of banner tokens.
  • Determine the starting player and begin the game.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Animal Kingdoms, players take turns selecting animal cards and placing their banner tokens on different territories to gain control. The objective is to have the most influence in each territory by the end of the game. Players must carefully manage their hand of animal cards and strategically place their banners to outwit their opponents.

    Player Experience


  • Beautiful artwork and theme
  • Easy to learn rules
  • Engaging strategic gameplay
  • Can be played solo
  • Cons:

  • Limited player interaction
  • Luck of the draw can heavily influence the game
  • Personal Thoughts on Animal Kingdoms

    Animal Kingdoms is a visually stunning game with a unique theme that sets it apart from other abstract strategy games. The components are well-made and the gameplay offers a good balance of strategy and luck. While the game may not be for everyone due to its limited player interaction, it is still worth checking out for fans of territory building games. The pricing and availability of both new and used copies make it accessible to a wide range of players. If you enjoy games that require careful planning and hand management, Animal Kingdoms is definitely worth your time. However, if you prefer games with more player interaction, you may want to skip this one. Overall, Animal Kingdoms is a solid addition to any board game collection.

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