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Ancients (1986) Board Game

Brief History and Background Information for Ancients

Ancients is a board game released in 1986 that falls under the categories of Ancient, Medieval, Print & Play, and Wargame. It is designed by Doug Graham, Ted Koller, and Beth Queman, with artwork by 3W (World Wide Wargames) and Good Industries. The game is designed for 2 players, with a runtime of approximately 60 minutes. Players will engage in strategic gameplay involving dice rolling, grid movement, hexagon grids, and combat results tables.

Game Components of Ancients

  • Game board featuring hexagon grids
  • Player pieces representing various ancient civilizations
  • Dice for combat and movement
  • Scenario cards for different missions
  • Rulebook for gameplay instructions

How To Setup Ancients

  • Place the game board on a flat surface.
  • Each player chooses a civilization and takes the corresponding pieces.
  • Shuffle the scenario cards and place them face down.
  • Roll dice to determine who goes first.
  • Follow the setup instructions on the scenario card to place pieces on the board.

Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

In Ancients, players will take turns moving their pieces on the hexagon grid board to strategically position themselves for combat. Dice rolling will determine the outcome of battles, with players aiming to defeat their opponent’s pieces to achieve victory. The game objective may vary based on the scenario card being played, adding variety to each playthrough.

Player Experience


  • Strategic gameplay requiring careful planning and decision-making
  • Variety of scenarios to keep gameplay fresh and engaging
  • Historical theme appeals to fans of ancient civilizations and warfare


  • Learning curve for new players due to complex rules and mechanics
  • Luck-based outcomes in combat may frustrate some players
  • Limited replayability once all scenarios have been played

Personal Thoughts on Ancients

Ancients offers a deep strategic experience for players interested in ancient warfare and tactics. The build quality of the game components is sturdy and durable, ensuring longevity in gameplay sessions. While the game may not appeal to casual players due to its complexity, enthusiasts of the genre will find value in the depth of gameplay and historical accuracy. Pricing and availability for both new and used copies may vary, so it’s worth exploring different options before making a purchase. For those looking for alternatives or similar games, Ancients is a solid choice for fans of wargames and historical simulations. Ultimately, whether the game is worth your time will depend on your interest in the genre and willingness to invest in mastering its mechanics. Players looking for a challenge and a deep dive into ancient warfare will find Ancients to be a rewarding experience, while those seeking a more casual gaming experience may want to skip this one.

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