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Altar of Freedom: Grand Tactical Battles in the American Civil War (2013) Board Game

Altar of Freedom: Grand Tactical Battles in the American Civil War is a board game released in 2013 by Iron Ivan Games. It is set during the American Civil War, allowing players to command armies and reenact historic battles from that time period. The game is designed for 2 players and has a runtime of approximately 240 minutes.

Game Components of Altar of Freedom: Grand Tactical Battles in the American Civil War

  • Rulebook
  • Game board
  • Counters representing units
  • Dice
  • Player aids
  • Terrain tiles
  • How To Setup Altar of Freedom: Grand Tactical Battles in the American Civil War

  • Set up the game board.
  • Place terrain tiles.
  • Each player selects their army and places their units on the board.
  • Follow the setup instructions for the specific scenario being played.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Altar of Freedom uses mechanics such as auction/bidding, dice rolling, line of sight, simulation, and variable player powers. The objective of the game is to strategically maneuver your units, engage in combat, and achieve victory conditions specific to each scenario.

    Player Experience


  • Detailed miniatures and components create an immersive experience.
  • Realistic simulation of Civil War battles.
  • Strategic depth with variable player powers.
  • Historical accuracy adds to the authenticity of the game.
  • Cons:

  • Steep learning curve for new players.
  • Long playtime may not be suitable for casual gamers.
  • Limited replayability compared to some other wargames.
  • Personal Thoughts on Altar of Freedom: Grand Tactical Battles in the American Civil War

    Altar of Freedom offers a deep and engaging experience for players interested in the American Civil War period. The game’s attention to historical detail and strategic gameplay make it a standout in the wargame genre. While the learning curve may be intimidating for some, the rewards of mastering the mechanics are well worth the effort. The build quality of the components is excellent, and the price point is reasonable for the value provided. Overall, Altar of Freedom is a game that will appeal to history buffs and wargame enthusiasts looking for a challenging and immersive experience.

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