Board game titled "Alien Contact" featuring an illustration of an astronaut with a weapon on a fiery alien landscape with red rocks and a large green planet in the background.
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Alien Contact: Extraterrestrial Empires in Conflict (1983)

Alien Contact

Alien Contact is a board game published by Phoenix Enterprises in 1983. It is a multi-player strategic wargame of conquest and expansion set in a futuristic and uninhabited sector. The game is significant because it is one of the earliest examples of a science fiction-themed board game, and it was well-received by players and critics alike.

Game Components of Alien Contact

The Game Components of Alien Contact include a game board, player pieces, alien pieces, and a set of cards.

Game Setup of Alien Contact

Players start by selecting a color and placing their pieces on the board. They then draw a set of cards that determine their starting resources and objectives.

Gameplay Mechanics of Alien Contact

Players take turns moving their pieces and engaging in combat with other players or alien pieces. They can also build structures and research new technologies to gain an advantage over their opponents.

Game Objective of Alien Contact

The objective of the game is to conquer and control as much territory as possible while completing the objectives on their cards.

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