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Achi (300)

Achi is a two-player abstract strategy game originating from Ghana, also known as tapatan. It is related to tic-tac-toe and other games like three men’s morris, Nine Holes, Tant Fant, Shisima, and Dara, as pieces are moved on the board to create the 3-in-a-row. Achi is an alignment game, and there are two versions of the game: one with four pieces per player and another with three pieces per player, which makes it identical to three men’s morris.The game is popular and significant because it is a traditional board game from Ghana, often played by children using pebbles as pieces. Achi is part of a family of board games played throughout Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia, all involving a grid of holes and pieces that are piled into the holes in varying quantities.

Game Components of Achi

– 3×3 board
– 4 pieces per player (black and white)
– Optional: any two colors or distinguishable objects to represent the pieces

Game Setup of Achi

1. Draw a 3×3 board on the ground or paper.2. Each player chooses a color and places their four pieces on the board, taking turns.

Gameplay Mechanics of Achi

– Players take turns placing one of their pieces on a point where lines intersect.
– Once all pieces are placed, players move their pieces from one point to an adjacent point.
– The goal is to form rows of three along a marked line, which wins the game.

Game Objective of Achi

The objective is to form rows of three along a marked line before your opponent does.

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