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Ace of Aces: Balloon Buster (1985) Board Game

Ace of Aces: Balloon Buster is a board game released in 1985, designed by J.B. Deneen. It falls under the categories of Aviation / Flight, Wargame, and World War I simulation. The game allows 2 players to engage in a dogfight simulation set during the First World War.

Game Components of Ace of Aces: Balloon Buster

  • Rulebook
  • Pad of log sheets
  • Two sets of maneuver cards
  • Two sets of aircraft data cards
  • Two combat books
  • How To Setup Ace of Aces: Balloon Buster

  • Each player selects an aircraft and takes the corresponding maneuver cards and combat book.
  • Place the log sheets in a convenient location for both players.
  • Shuffle the maneuver cards and place them face down in a stack.
  • Determine who will be the first player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Ace of Aces: Balloon Buster, players take turns selecting maneuvers from their cards to outmaneuver their opponent and score hits. The objective is to accurately predict your opponent’s movements and land hits on their aircraft.

    Player Experience


  • Unique simultaneous action selection mechanic
  • Quick gameplay, perfect for a short gaming session
  • Historical setting adds to the immersive experience
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value due to the fixed scenarios
  • Lack of variety in aircraft choices
  • Some players may find the combat system too luck-dependent
  • Personal Thoughts on Ace of Aces: Balloon Buster

    Ace of Aces: Balloon Buster offers a niche experience for fans of aviation and World War I history. The game’s build quality is decent, with durable components that can withstand multiple plays. However, the limited replay value and lack of variety in aircraft choices may deter some players from revisiting the game frequently.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Ace of Aces: Balloon Buster can be found in both used and new condition, with prices varying depending on the seller. If you enjoy historical wargames and are looking for a quick, two-player experience, Ace of Aces: Balloon Buster may be worth your time. However, players seeking more complexity or variety in gameplay may want to explore alternative options in the wargame genre. Ultimately, Ace of Aces: Balloon Buster is recommended for enthusiasts of aviation history and World War I simulations, while others may find it lacking in long-term appeal.

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