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A Duel Betwixt Us (2014) Board Game

A Duel Betwixt Us is a two-player card game that was released in in 2014. Designed by Laurence Honderick and illustrated by Game Salute, this game falls under the categories of card game and humor, with elements of hand management and variable player powers.

Game Components of A Duel Betwixt Us

  • Deck of cards
  • Player boards
  • Tokens
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup A Duel Betwixt Us

  • Each player selects a character and takes the corresponding player board and tokens.
  • Shuffle the deck of cards and deal a starting hand to each player.
  • Follow the setup instructions for each character’s unique abilities and starting conditions.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    The objective of A Duel Betwixt Us is to outwit your opponent by using your character’s abilities and strategically playing cards from your hand. The game involves hand management, where players must carefully choose which cards to play and when to play them to gain an advantage over their opponent.

    Player Experience


  • Quick gameplay with a runtime of 45 minutes
  • Humorous and engaging theme
  • Strategic depth with variable player powers
  • Cons

  • Limited replayability for some players
  • May not appeal to those who prefer longer, more complex games
  • Personal Thoughts on A Duel Betwixt Us

    A Duel Betwixt Us is a fun and light-hearted card game that is perfect for a casual gaming session with a friend. The game’s build quality is good, and the artwork is charming. While the game may not have endless replay value, it is a great addition to any game collection for those who enjoy quick and tactical two-player games. The pricing and availability of both new and used copies are reasonable, making it accessible to a wide range of players. If you enjoy games with a humorous theme and strategic gameplay, A Duel Betwixt Us is definitely worth your time. However, if you prefer more complex games or have a larger gaming group, this may not be the best choice for you.

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