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Monster! Monster! (2019) Board Game

Monster! Monster! is a card game designed by Mads Herman Johansen and released in in 2019. It is a two-player game that falls under the categories of card game, fantasy, and mythology. The game features a rock-paper-scissors mechanic and secret unit deployment to keep players engaged and guessing throughout.

Game Components of Monster! Monster!

  • Monster! Monster! game board
  • Monster cards
  • Hunter cards
  • Monster tokens
  • Hunter tokens
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Monster! Monster!

  • Lay out the game board in the center of the playing area.
  • Shuffle the monster and hunter cards separately and place them face down.
  • Each player chooses a side to play: monsters or hunters.
  • Players take turns placing their units on the board secretly.
  • The game is ready to begin!
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Monster! Monster!, players take on the roles of either monsters or hunters. The objective for hunters is to capture all the monsters, while the monsters aim to evade capture and survive until the end of the game. Players use rock-paper-scissors mechanics to determine the outcome of battles between units.

    Player Experience


  • Quick gameplay with rounds lasting 10-20 minutes
  • Strategic depth with secret unit deployment
  • Engaging theme of monsters and hunters
  • Cons:

  • Limited replayability once players learn each other’s strategies
  • Lack of variety in gameplay mechanics
  • Personal Thoughts on Monster! Monster!

    Overall, Monster! Monster! is a fun and engaging card game that offers a unique twist on traditional rock-paper-scissors gameplay. The game components are well-designed and the artwork is visually appealing. However, the game may not have enough depth for experienced players looking for more complex mechanics. The pricing and availability of the game are reasonable, making it a good option for casual gamers or families looking for a quick and entertaining game night. If you enjoy games with a fantasy theme and enjoy the element of surprise in gameplay, Monster! Monster! is worth checking out. However, players who prefer more strategic depth and varied gameplay mechanics may want to explore other options in the genre.

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