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Candy Chaser (2013) Board Game

Candy Chaser is a board game released in 2013 by Grounding. Designed by Masao Suganuma, this game is all about bluffing and deception as players try to collect the most candy while avoiding getting caught by the Candy Cop.

Game Components of Candy Chaser

  • Game board
  • 4 player pawns
  • 12 candy tokens
  • 1 Candy Cop pawn
  • 1 die
  • How To Setup Candy Chaser

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player chooses a pawn and places it on the starting space.
  • Place the Candy Cop pawn on the cop space.
  • Shuffle the candy tokens and place them face down on the designated spaces on the board.
  • Each player starts with a certain amount of candy tokens (depending on the number of players).
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns rolling the die and moving their pawns around the board. The objective is to collect as much candy as possible without getting caught by the Candy Cop. Players can bluff and deceive their opponents to avoid detection.

    Player Experience


  • Quick gameplay, perfect for a short gaming session.
  • Fun and engaging bluffing mechanics.
  • Easy to learn and teach to others.
  • Cons:

  • Limited replayability.
  • Player elimination can lead to some players being left out of the game early on.
  • Personal Thoughts on Candy Chaser

    Candy Chaser is a fun and light-hearted game that is great for casual gaming sessions with friends or family. The bluffing mechanics add an element of strategy to the game, making each round unpredictable and exciting. However, the game may lack depth for more serious gamers looking for a more complex experience.

    In terms of build quality, the components are well-made and durable, ensuring that the game will last through many plays. The pricing for Candy Chaser is reasonable, making it accessible for most gamers. Both new and used copies of the game are readily available online.

    For those looking for similar games, Candy Chaser is a unique addition to any collection. However, if you prefer more strategic gameplay or dislike player elimination mechanics, this game may not be for you. Overall, Candy Chaser is worth your time if you enjoy light-hearted bluffing games and are looking for a quick and fun gaming experience.

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