A worn-out board game box for "Squad Leader, The Game of Infantry Combat in WWII," featuring stylized illustrations of soldiers in combat.
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Squad Leader (1977)

Squad Leader

Squad Leader is a tactical level board war game originally published by Avalon Hill in 1977. It was designed by John Hill and simulates infantry combat. Squad Leader is a game system by design rather than just one game. The game itself comes with 12 different scenarios, each one introducing more complicated rules in a system called “programmed instruction”. Each scenario card includes historical information, victory conditions, and play balancers for each side. The game was a significant improvement over previous wargames, as it introduced unique concepts into squad-based games. The game was so popular that it spawned a series of gamettes and expansions, including Advanced Squad Leader (ASL).

Why is Squad Leader Popular?

Squad Leader was a significant improvement over previous wargames, as it introduced unique concepts into squad-based games. The game was so popular that it spawned a series of gamettes and expansions, including Advanced Squad Leader (ASL). Squad Leader was chosen for inclusion in the 2007 book Hobby Games: The 100 Best. Game designer Ray Winninger explained: “Hill’s design recreates World War II combat in the same way that a great caricaturist recreates a face — by exaggerating the important bits and abstracting everything else”.

Game Components of Squad Leader

– Rulebook
– 12 different scenarios
– Scenario cards with historical information, victory conditions, and play balancers for each side
– Game board
– Counters representing infantry, vehicles, and other units
– Dice

Game Setup of Squad Leader

The Game Setup of Squad Leader varies depending on the scenario being played. Each scenario card includes setup instructions.

Gameplay Mechanics of Squad Leader

Squad Leader is a tactical-level board wargame that simulates infantry combat. The game uses a system called “programmed instruction,” where each scenario introduces more complicated rules. The game mechanics include movement, combat, and morale. The game uses a hexagonal grid system to represent the battlefield.

Game Objective of Squad Leader

The objective of each scenario varies depending on the historical situation being simulated. Each scenario card includes victory conditions for each side.

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