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5ive: King’s Court (2017) Board Game

5ive: King’s Court is a medieval-themed card game designed by James Rozak and published in in 2017. The game combines elements of hand management, player elimination, set collection, and take that mechanics to create a competitive and strategic gameplay experience.

Game Components of 5ive: King’s Court

  • 60 playing cards
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup 5ive: King’s Court

  • Shuffle the deck of playing cards.
  • Deal each player 5 cards.
  • Place the remaining cards in the center as a draw pile.
  • Choose a starting player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In 5ive: King’s Court, players take turns playing cards to build their own medieval court. The objective is to collect sets of cards that match the King’s decrees, while thwarting your opponents’ attempts to do the same. The game involves strategic card play, hand management, and player interaction as you strive to become the most powerful court in the kingdom.

    Player Experience


  • Quick gameplay with a runtime of 15–30 minutes.
  • Strategic decision-making and player interaction keep the game engaging.
  • Easy-to-learn rules make it accessible for players of all ages.
  • Cons:

  • Player elimination mechanic may be frustrating for some players.
  • Limited replayability once familiar with card combinations.
  • Lack of depth compared to more complex card games.
  • Personal Thoughts on 5ive: King’s Court

    5ive: King’s Court offers a fun and competitive gameplay experience for fans of card games and medieval themes. The game’s components are well-designed, and the artwork adds to the immersive experience. However, the game may not offer enough depth for more experienced gamers looking for complex strategies.

    In terms of pricing and availability, 5ive: King’s Court can be found at a reasonable cost for both new and used copies. For those interested in similar games in the card game category, alternatives like Splendor or Dominion may offer a more in-depth gameplay experience. Overall, 5ive: King’s Court is worth considering for casual gamers or families looking for a quick and enjoyable card game to add to their collection.

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