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5-Minute Marvel (2018) Board Game

5-Minute Marvel is a fast-paced, cooperative card game that was released in 2018 by Korea Boardgames. It is designed by Connor Reid and features artwork by Alex Diochon. The game is based on the popular Marvel comic book universe and is a stripped-down version of the original 5-Minute Dungeon game.

Game Components of 5-Minute Marvel

  • 200 cards
  • 10 Hero Mats
  • 5 Double-sided Boss Mats
  • 5 Boss Standees
  • 5 Plastic Stands
  • 5 Role Tokens
  • 1 Rulebook
  • How To Setup 5-Minute Marvel

  • Choose a Boss to defeat.
  • Shuffle the Hero cards and deal them out to players.
  • Set up the Boss Mat with its corresponding Boss Standee.
  • Start the 5-minute timer.
  • Work together to defeat the Boss before time runs out.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In 5-Minute Marvel, players must work together to defeat a series of Bosses using their unique hero abilities and card management skills. The game is played in real-time, with players racing against the clock to defeat the Boss before the 5-minute timer runs out. Each Boss has different abilities and challenges that players must overcome in order to emerge victorious.

    Player Experience


  • Fast-paced and exciting gameplay
  • Cooperative element promotes teamwork and communication
  • Variable player powers add replayability
  • Easy to learn and play
  • Cons

  • Some players may find the game too chaotic
  • Limited depth and strategy compared to other deck-building games
  • Replay value may diminish after multiple playthroughs
  • Personal Thoughts on 5-Minute Marvel

    5-Minute Marvel is a fun and engaging game that is perfect for quick gaming sessions with friends or family. The fast-paced nature of the game keeps players on their toes and the cooperative element adds an extra layer of excitement. While the game may lack the depth and strategy of other deck-building games, it makes up for it with its accessibility and replayability.

    In terms of build quality, the components of 5-Minute Marvel are well-made and durable. The game falls under the card game and comic book categories, making it a must-have for fans of the Marvel universe. Pricing and availability for both new and used copies are reasonable, making it a worthwhile addition to any game collection.

    Overall, 5-Minute Marvel is worth your time if you enjoy fast-paced, cooperative games with a comic book theme. It is suitable for players aged 8 and above, making it a great option for families and casual gamers. However, more serious gamers may find the game lacking in depth and complexity, and may want to consider other alternatives or similar games for a more challenging experience.

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