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4-mation (2007) Board Game

4-mation is a card game released in 2007 by The United States Playing Card Company. It is designed for 2-6 players and falls under the category of a card game with mechanics such as hand management and set collection.

Game Components of 4-mation

  • 104 cards with numbers and symbols
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup 4-mation

  • Shuffle the deck of cards.
  • Deal a hand of cards to each player.
  • Place the remaining deck in the center as a draw pile.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns playing cards from their hand to create mathematical equations that equal four. The objective is to be the first player to reach a certain number of points or to be the last player standing.

    Player Experience


  • Quick and easy to learn
  • Strategic gameplay with a mix of luck
  • Encourages critical thinking and math skills
  • Cons:

  • Limited replayability
  • Not suitable for players who dislike math-related games
  • Personal Thoughts on 4-mation

    4-mation is a fun and engaging card game that challenges players to think quickly and strategically. The build quality is good, and the game is priced reasonably. It is a great option for families and friends who enjoy math-based games. However, for those who do not enjoy math or are looking for more complex gameplay, this may not be the best choice. Overall, 4-mation is worth your time if you enjoy math and quick thinking games.

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