Cover of "Strategy & Tactics" magazine, issue 173, featuring a historical painting of a man in royal attire on horseback, with text about content on the Thirty Years' War and other military topics.
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30 Years War (1995) Board Game

The Thirty Years War was a devastating conflict fought in Europe from 1618 to

  • It was primarily a religious war between Protestants and Catholics, but it also involved political and territorial disputes among the European powers. The war resulted in widespread destruction and loss of life, and it significantly reshaped the political landscape of Europe.
  • Game Components of 30 Years War

  • Game board
  • Rulebook
  • Player aids
  • Counters representing military units
  • Dice
  • How To Setup 30 Years War

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player chooses a side – Catholic or Protestant.
  • Place the military unit counters on their designated starting locations.
  • Follow the setup instructions in the rulebook for specific details.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    30 Years War is a strategic wargame that simulates the key battles and events of the Thirty Years War. Players must maneuver their military units, engage in battles, and control key territories to achieve victory. The game objective is to either eliminate the opposing player’s forces or achieve specific victory conditions based on historical events.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging historical theme
  • Strategic depth and complexity
  • Allows players to experience key events of the Thirty Years War
  • Cons:

  • Steep learning curve for new players
  • Lengthy playtime may not be suitable for casual gamers
  • Personal Thoughts on 30 Years War

    As a fan of historical wargames, I found 30 Years War to be a challenging and immersive experience. The game captures the complexity of the conflict well, and the strategic decisions players have to make keep the gameplay interesting. The build quality of the components is decent, and the artwork is thematic and evocative.

    In terms of pricing and availability, 30 Years War is a niche game that may be harder to find compared to more mainstream titles. However, for enthusiasts of the genre, it is definitely worth the investment. Players who enjoy games with a historical theme and tactical depth will appreciate what 30 Years War has to offer. On the other hand, casual gamers or those looking for a quick, light gaming experience may want to skip this one. Overall, I would recommend 30 Years War to fans of historical wargames looking for a challenging and immersive gaming experience.

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